Friday, 24 March 2017


Our world is based on patterns. Words, numbers, science and constructions are just a few of the patterns that we use everyday. Room Five children also use patterns.

In Room 5 we use patterns in maths.  One group is learning the pattern of numbers 1 to 10 and that each number is consistent. A five will always be five objects.
Work sheet in maths

Using matheletics

A maths game

Another group is looking at the pattern with a 5. What is 5 and 1, 5 and 2?  We don't need to start counting at one because the pattern says we can just count on from a known number, in this case, it is number five.

Adding more jewels to a crown that has five diamonds

In our inquiry topic, we looked at the pattern of day and night.  We also focused on the pattern of seasons as the Earth goes around the Sun. We will investigate this pattern further next week.

The link below has a song about the Sun which we have been using in class. You might like to sing along and investigate other Youtube clips about the Sun with your child.
Sun song

Lastly, these children worked co-operatively to make this amazing train track!  What great mathematicians they are!

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Swimming Carnival

Welcome to Declan. We are glad you have enjoyed your first week at school.

After much anticipation and practise, the Junior School Swimming Carnival had arrived.  We quickly got dressed and headed down to the swimming pool area.  After a brief introduction from Mrs Rennie-Younger, the races had begun!
Our first race was the horsey race, then came the bulldozer race when we pushed the ball, the third race was gliding and finally the free style for some of the more confident swimmers. We all had a great time and look forward to it next year!

Waiting for it to start

Go horsey!

The words for this week are: for, went, on
The sounds are: l, f, r, h

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Near and far

Welcome to Mikayla and Lamar that arrived this week. 

This week we started our new science topic `The patterns on our world'. We will look at how the sun provides us with the cyclic patterns of day and night, seasons and shadows.  I have already discovered that the children know a lot about outer space from their Kindergarten days.

We started by looking at things that are near and far away.  We went outside, and with a partner, sat near by with a ball.  It was easy to roll a ball to one another.  Then we moved further and further away until we were all the way to the other end of the play ground. We saw that things look smaller when there is more space between us. 

This week our focus words will be: said, and, up
Our sounds of the week are: s, sh, th

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Budding readers

Room 5 has Super Silent Reading after lunch time. It has been great to see them share their love of reading with the other children in the room.  They have enjoyed reading our own Room 5 books that we have made.

On Thursday, we celebrated Book Day with Room 8, our buddy class.  Everyone listened closely as we had books read to us.

We also like listening to books on the big screen in our room.